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Service Data Description
localtuya.reload Reload All localtuya entries
localtuya.set_dp {"data": {"device_id", "dp", "value"}} Set new value for one DP or multi
localtuya.remote_add_code {"data": {"target", "device_name", "command_name", "base64", "head", "key" }} Manually add code into remote device.

Change the value of DP 1
service: localtuya.set_dp
  device_id: 11100118278aab4de001
  dp: 1
  value: true

Change the values for multi DPs
service: localtuya.set_dp
  device_id: 11100118278aab4de001 #(1)!
    "1": true  # (2)!
    "2": true  # (3)!
    "3": false # (4)!

  1. Device with this ID must be added into localtuya
  2. Set DP 1 Value to true
  3. Set DP 2 Value to true
  4. Set DP 3 Value to false

Reload all LocalTuya Entries

service: localtuya.reload

Add a TV button using head/key or base64

action: localtuya.remote_add_code
  target: c187a2102cb1e38161377eb4d4afb6f7
  device_name: TV
  command_name: volume_up
  head: "11111111111" # Head: Can be obtain from Tuya IoT device debug logs.
  key: "223123" # Key: Can be obtain from Tuya IoT device debug logs.